ERROR is the Sole Reason of UNPREDICTABILITY of outcome in Law
Team A
Team-A is a carefully chosen dedicated team of professionals headed by Mr. Biswajit Das. Each cause is handled with immaculate accuracy by separate Team-A through in-house designed strategic modules to secure predictable & deserving outcome.
True to the character & the enormity of the experiment of Team-A, everything is unique/ first & they are:
1. All Conferenceswith it are audio recorded (video recorded is optional) & minuted.
2. On examinationof all facts of the client during the course of first Conference, it takes either of the following Decisions:
a. Refuses to take the case by pointedly giving the reasons of such refusal (to avoid further burdening the client & save Team A’s time) If it forms the opinion that there is no genuine grievance subsisting for redressal.
b. Acceptsto take the case (as it deserves the predictable outcome) if it forms opinion that there exists genuine grievance for redressal.
3. It Strategizethrough Time-Scale & Strategy Sheet by capturing 360° possibilities & Laws.
4. It secures strategic result through in-house developed Dashboard/Tracker/Time-Scale.
5. It give complete Monitoring Access in real-time to the entire process, Court Record, Filing, Listing, Hearing, Court Orders, etc.
6. It gives complete Transparencyon everything possible.
7. It undertakes Cost-Benefit analysisof its every action.
8. All its Drafting confirm to one “Skin Module”, a language developed by Mr. Das for focused, effective & potent result (“Client-Action Sheet”, “Checklist”, “Proceeding Sheet”, “Lay out”, “Comparative Table” etc., are some of the designs of this module.)
9. It engages Mr. Das to Argue through a uniquely designed & developed concise Written Note (maximum 2-3 pager) navigated through a digitally developed “1-Pager App” for speed-coherent-errorless-focused presentation.