One’s entitlement is a subject of their unique set of finite Facts, whose finite set of governing Laws to be complied is our duty to make the predictability of their entitlement a reality.


A flawless Policy with futuristic dynamism is key for any socio-economic-political constructive & sustained growth of human race while minimizing cumulative costs (tangible & intangible; present & future). We, in formulating & designing both legislative & executive Policies, endeavour to factor 3600 possibilities of today & tomorrow by critically analyzing & simulating all the effect of various inter-dependent & inter-connected subject dimensions through Scientific Tools.


Compliance of Law & Regulation, the most critical & substantial human activity of today’s era, forms the 1st layer of protection against Business Risk. Complying Law errorless covering all angles of misfire fathoming all future possibilities has been the hallmark of our ability & capacity. We bring our hardcore litigation expertise & new/innovative Jurisprudential Principles (designed on a new language of Law factoring Inverted Architecture anomaly) to achieve this level of security.


Litigation has been highly unpredictable due to the lack of attention leading to untended errors & consequent role of the existing “Rules of interpretation”. We use Scientific, Graphical & Logical Models/Tools in our Litigation practice through a new “Legal Language” presenting our case before all the forum in the simplest possible form in the least possible time leaving nothing to ambiguity for a predictable entitlement.

360° Strategy

From our experience & expertise, we found Regulatory Risks are no more case/cause specific. Gone are those days where one would take reactive steps as a measure of Risk Mitigation. A decision/judgment rendered elsewhere on any subject of Law has a direct & impeding bearing on one not immediately affected/concerned therein.

Keeping a close eye on the entire ecosystem, identifying various possible consequences (adverse & otherwise) of any important developments around, fathoming their inter se consequential impact & taking pre-emptive, timely & remedial measure to avoid possible fall out or negative consequence has been the hallmark of our this class of service. A mix of (a) technology involving Artificial Intelligence (AI) linked in-house Digital App & Scientific/Mathematical Tools/Models, (b) experts drawn from different fields with hardcore high level litigation exposure & (c) new Jurisprudential Principles are used to achieve this level of full-proof 3600 Strategy service known as “Pre-Emptive Business Risk Mitigating Strategy Solution Service”.

According to our experience & estimation, Regulatory Risk forms about 95-97% of the entire quantum of Risks (in value) associated with any business/commercial/living activity. Newer & peculiar forms & shape of Regulatory Risks hitherto unknown have emerged & are still evolving & growing uncontrollably, making public discourse & ecosystem extremely unstable & threatening & breaching into even the private space. Pin-pointedly identifying their characters & properties, fathoming their form, shape & size & taking pre-emptive proportionate Measure to keep it at bay or insulate from its effect is the key both for sustainability & growth. A slightest lack of attention or human error can bring the entire edifice & empire to the ground within no time. Regulatory Risk linked to,

  1. Policy:
  2. Compliance
  3. Litigation


No aggrieved deserving a just relief will go in empty hand from our office. Either through ourselves or through our affiliates, we shall secure his redressal as we believe “nothing is greater a service than securing justice to an aggrieved clamouring for redressal”. We invest minimum 30% working hours for causes without fees.

Any person, who is in economic & social distress & is incapable to access justice, can approach us with records (either physically, electronically or otherwise) whose cause shall be taken up by us with no less vigour, intensity & passion we are known for.